Posts Tagged With: comments

A quick word about Gangstalking related comments…

I have quickly realized that I cannot possibly vouch for the credibility of the links you find in the comment area of my blog.   Some of the commenters have blogs with hundreds of posts, going back years.  Some mix up the topic of Gangstalking with theories I cannot possibly endorse. Some are disinformation sites.

My favorite comment was “Stop poking the bear. Instead pick up a 2’x4′ and beat the snot out of him. “ when I checked out the comment author’s blog,  I discovered three important  things:   He does indeed seem to be a real victim of Gang Stalking.  He is openly racist, and fanatical  in his hatred of Gays.

I do not want to endorse those beliefs, by directing traffic to his blog, however the fact that he is a real TI, creates a bit of a dilemma.

My personal philosophy is that everyone should be able to choose to live their life, as they wish, no matter what their race or religion, or sexual orientation,  without judgement or interference.   There are plenty of people who don’t agree.  Clearly gangstalkers  have  stripped us of the freedom to live our lives unharassed.   They are far worse than even this TI blogger, because they are acting on their hatred and ignorance, instead of merely voicing it.

This commenter has a right to voice his opinion.  I have the right to say I find it offensive.  We can all choose for ourselves what we wish to read, and what we choose to think.  But wouldn’t it be awful to not have a choice?  Wouldn’t it be awful to never even be exposed to opinions different from your own?    (We might all end up like the Stepford Gang Stalkers… conforming and going along with whatever the cult dictates, discouraged from questioning authority, and not free enough  to think for themselves.).

With that in mind, I am going  to do less moderation of the comments, which means more of them will be approved.   There are some gems mixed in with the disinformation.  I figure by reading the disinformation stuff, we get a glimpse  into the minds of  the people trying to oppress us.  You cannot write, without giving something of yourself away.   It is good to know what your enemy is thinking and saying.  Sometimes the topics avoided, are the biggest giveaway of all.

I cannot vouch for or verify the links you find in the Comment Section, that follows my posts.

If they do not  support my mission to get Credibility for targeted individuals, you can be sure I don’t endorse them and /or have not read the content.

I will at some point be posting a list e to sites and blogs I do recommend, that support my message.

thank you! SceneNSantaCruz

Categories: Censorship, Credibility, Disinformation, GANGSTALKING, Warnings | Tags: | 5 Comments

Gangstalking Posts Generate Interest


I want to address all those people who have written comments, those who may do so in the future.  I am really happy to hear from you.  It means a lot to me.  Collectively, we have a lot of information.  We see our perpetrators every day.  We are paying attention and we are highly attuned to the way they operate.  Sharing that information can help other targets.  A little humor can give us a laugh and help us marginalize them for a change. I do have a couple hilarious tips, where, for at least occasionally, I’ve made their life worse than they were trying to make mine.  (to be shared in future posts). 

The comments, likesre-posts, shares, and people who are now following  the blog (you physical followers…KMA!) are really encouraging. It helps me to feel like we are our own community and like maybe we have a fighting chance.  Our numbers may be small by comparision but judging by the comments, and my own personal feelings, our OUTRAGE is large.  That Passionate outrage we feel at being treated so terrible by our fellow humans, has been known to change the coarse of history.   We need to be angry.  Nobody has the right to do this to another human being.

Even though I didn’t do anything on this blog for 2 years. I continued to get readers and views and comments during that time. After I wrote the 2 years later post, I began moderating the comments that had piled up.  I still have 65 older comments to go through.

I am sure there are people out there, who are legitimately being gangstalked , who also happen to be crazy.  By and large, though, the targets of gangstalking are sane people, put under tremendous stress by the complete insanity around them. Credibility for all of us victims, and exposure for all of our gangstalkers is my goal. To that end, if your comments have anything fringe or crazy sounding, I’m not going to post them. 

If I think they have helpful content, with some fringe,  I may edit them.  You know how I feel about censuring and freedom of speech  (if not, read this post).  But in this case, my blog…my message.  If your comment does not further my goal of getting credibility for TiI’s among the uninformed public It’s not going to be made public.


Please don’t be offended. I might believe you are a real victim, but still feel that your story will be hard for the uninitiated to accept. If that is the case, your message was still be received and read with interest; it will just have a smaller audience.  It’s ok to discuss and comment outrageous things fringe theory, but for my blog, you have to do it in a way that I think comes across as credible if you want to read it later.


If you include a link with your comment, that’s great… I do check them out, prior to approving the comment. I don’t want to post links to web sites and blogs that further the interests of the people harassing me. We all know that a lot of comments are made by the very people that are gangstalking us. If you have any doubts about that, from day one, within hours of my first post, I’ve had a following. The only people who could have found my post that quickly, are the esteemed members of my own personal stalker fan club (I don’t take credit for the fan club term, but I like it –  I fist saw it when a woman, commenting  on gangstalking in the “experience project” said her and her daughter called their stalkers their “fan club”).

Gangstalkers were my first readers because, as we all know, they don’t miss a trick. But hey, even if you are a stalker, I’ll approve your comments, if…. they further my stated goals for this blog.

The comments that include links and have questions for me are going to take a little longer for me to moderate. Nothing is being discarded without careful consideration. If you asked where I got my info on a particular subject, I will answer you, as soon as I get through the quick decision comments.

If you ask me to keep your comment private, I fully intend to do that. I felt terrible when I saw that a comment was posted that I was specifically asked to keep private. I am so sorry that happened. I was certain that I had checked the unapproved box until  I saw it on the page. This was not intentional.  No doubt, caused by going through the back log of comments so quickly (some of them are even longer than my posts- I don’t mind long, though) The problem has now been corrected. Again, I am so sorry. Continue reading

Categories: Censorship, Credibility, GANGSTALKING | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

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