A quick word about Gangstalking related comments…

I have quickly realized that I cannot possibly vouch for the credibility of the links you find in the comment area of my blog.   Some of the commenters have blogs with hundreds of posts, going back years.  Some mix up the topic of Gangstalking with theories I cannot possibly endorse. Some are disinformation sites.

My favorite comment was “Stop poking the bear. Instead pick up a 2’x4′ and beat the snot out of him. “ when I checked out the comment author’s blog,  I discovered three important  things:   He does indeed seem to be a real victim of Gang Stalking.  He is openly racist, and fanatical  in his hatred of Gays.

I do not want to endorse those beliefs, by directing traffic to his blog, however the fact that he is a real TI, creates a bit of a dilemma.

My personal philosophy is that everyone should be able to choose to live their life, as they wish, no matter what their race or religion, or sexual orientation,  without judgement or interference.   There are plenty of people who don’t agree.  Clearly gangstalkers  have  stripped us of the freedom to live our lives unharassed.   They are far worse than even this TI blogger, because they are acting on their hatred and ignorance, instead of merely voicing it.

This commenter has a right to voice his opinion.  I have the right to say I find it offensive.  We can all choose for ourselves what we wish to read, and what we choose to think.  But wouldn’t it be awful to not have a choice?  Wouldn’t it be awful to never even be exposed to opinions different from your own?    (We might all end up like the Stepford Gang Stalkers… conforming and going along with whatever the cult dictates, discouraged from questioning authority, and not free enough  to think for themselves.).

With that in mind, I am going  to do less moderation of the comments, which means more of them will be approved.   There are some gems mixed in with the disinformation.  I figure by reading the disinformation stuff, we get a glimpse  into the minds of  the people trying to oppress us.  You cannot write, without giving something of yourself away.   It is good to know what your enemy is thinking and saying.  Sometimes the topics avoided, are the biggest giveaway of all.

I cannot vouch for or verify the links you find in the Comment Section, that follows my posts.

If they do not  support my mission to get Credibility for targeted individuals, you can be sure I don’t endorse them and /or have not read the content.

I will at some point be posting a list e to sites and blogs I do recommend, that support my message.

thank you! SceneNSantaCruz

Categories: Censorship, Credibility, Disinformation, GANGSTALKING, Warnings | Tags: | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “A quick word about Gangstalking related comments…

  1. I edited the comment from Tim to make it more readable and understandable. I do occasionally edit comments if they have valuable insights for victims, but contain stuff that I think might make victims of gangstalking appear less credible. Some of the stuff that happens to us is hard to believe. I also do not approve (or I edit out) anything that blames gangstalking on supernatural entities, ie: alians, reptilians, devil worshippers, etc. I’ve said this repeatedly. Gangstalking is real, we need to be credible. Fringe theories about who is behind it do not gain support for any victims and I tend to think that they are posted by people who are trying to discredit victims and promote an agenda of disinformation. Gangstalking only works because the general population isn’t familiar with it and/or they have been taken in by the disinformation. There are lots of real victims who are credible. There are no doubt a few who are being gangstalked and may in fact be a bit crazy. If you are a real victim and you want to be helped, do not write anything that suggests non human entities are stalking you. EVEN IF YOU ARE NUTS, OR HAVE BEEN DRIVEN NUTS BY NONSTOP HARASSMENT… if you are a real victim, you want help… of course you do. The way to get help is to stay away from writing fringe hocus pocus crap (even if you think its possible). Help comes from being a victim of a crime just like other crime victims. If you do that… it will be very easy for everyone to tell who is a real victim and who isn’t. When police don’t help us, its because they don’t want to… not because they can’t. Gangstalking is a crime that police could solve, if they wanted to, easily — unless they were involved or not told to stand down. If you are suggesting perpetrators are the kind of entities that could never be prosecuted, You ARE EITHER A GANGSTALKER or AFFiliated with the crime and spreading disinformation. Because: Victims want help…. they want these people to be prosecuted we don’t want to spread theories that help gangstalkers make us look crazy. I am not suggesting that Tim, who wrote the previous post originally wrote any fringe theories… but I get a lot of comments that are INSANE SOUNDING and THEY ARE NOT FROM REAL VICTIMS, therefore they don’t get approved.


  2. Tim

    I have been gang stalked for over a year and a half and a year and a half ago is when I started noticing but I now realize things like my landlord stomping as she walked upstairs almost everyday until I moved out was probably them too, before I realized what was happening.

    I noticed when I was walking into stores there would always be a person with white hair or maybe gray walking right in front of me into the store. That seems normal, but it kept happening every time I walked into a store, any store, a person with white hair would walk in front of me in to the store. And suddenly there were so many of them in the grocery shopping around me and in any lines I would be in, etc. Same with when I went to McDonald’s, the place would fill up with people with white hair. I would see this every time I went out.

    This happened even when I moved to another town. This makes you look crazy if you talk about it, because obviously there are old people everywhere. But this was not random, and I don’t live in a retirement community.

    There has been computer problems that couldn’t have happened by themselves, like cut cords, etc. And numerous problems with my car, in fact, so many that even my own father had doubts that they were random, bad luck incidents. He said “somebody is doing this”.

    It’s hard to explain sorry if it sounds s a bit out there…


  3. oschennai

    Organized Gang Stalking & Cyberstalking, Chennai, India.

    Blogs and Websites run by Targeted Individuals offer huge support, relief and give lots of information about Gang Stalking.
    This is something the stalkers hate as their harassment tactics do not work well anymore. I always book mark a genuine website/ Blog when i see it. Sometimes TIs do rant nonsense but that is because of the tremendous stress they face 24×7, i just ignore it.
    Nice Blog keep up the good work.

    Please visit my Youtube channel ‘OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity’ and click on the PLAYLISTS section to see Playlist ‘Targeted Individuals celebrities’ and Playlist ‘Dr John Hall interviews’


  4. pman

    Please contact me.


  5. Reblogged this on My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism and commented:
    Clearly gang stalkers have stripped us of the freedom to live our lives unharassed, in the pursuit of happiness. Their crimes are far worse, more times than not, than anything real or imagined, that the target of their hatred, may have or may have not done. These stalking campaigns are based on character assassination, that oftentimes, lacks merit, driven by the ignorance of the self righteous, suffering delusions of grandeur and sociopathic narcissists. Who are in fact criminals, operating within a criminal enterprise, comprised of domestic terrorists from all walks of life.


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