Do the Right Thing

Part 8: They Lied to You in Civics Class

The Highway Patrol’s Motion to Vacate was heard in Watsonville, which lies between Santa Cruz and Monterey. I arrived early for the hearing, scheduled for 2:00pm mid-September, 2010.


My husband had gone alone to the original Small Claims Hearing by himself and I was here without him, this time around.  My husband was recovering from Surgery. (The screws and metal rods that were put in after the 2007 accident, had been removed the day before.)


The Courtroom was really nice and it kind of reminded me of a church. It wasn’t Deep but it is was really wide, with very long bench type seats that reminded me of Church Pews.


If the Judge granted the motion to vacate on the ridiculous grounds of Mishap, Inadvertence, Malfeasance, and failure of the CHP’s crack Legal Team to realize the importance of showing up in court after they were served, the case would be heard on the spot, as if though the original hearing had never taken place.  I was prepared to argue against the motion and to present our original case, if need be. I had fretted over this for a couple weeks feeling like the CHP, as evidenced by their behavior towards me, didn’t lose in court, very often.


There was no doubt they were going to show up, this time, and I wanted to be ready.  I continued to research my case.  My solution to the problem of how to win this battle was right in front of me the whole time, but it took two weeks before I realized it.


If you’ve read this entire story… some of you will know exactly how I’m going to play my hand here. If you’re not sure…  you probably are trying to figure it out right now.  It took me two weeks,  but  the Legal Affairs Department at the CHP, never figured it out all.  They had access to the same documents, and they had the advantage of legal expertise,  so they really have no excuse.


When I entered the courtroom, I took a seat off to one side and waited, watching all the  people milling about, talking, and going in and out between the lobby and the courtroom.  To support my case, I had a folder on my lap with a single  page document and two copies, one for the Judge and one for the CHP representative, if need be.


A man dressed in a suit comes down the long row and takes the seat right next to me. He has a briefcase which he sets on the floor between his legs. Without ever looking at me, he reaches into the case and pulls out a 3″ stack of paper that has a big band around it.  He then sets the paper on his lap where I can’t miss it.  It has my Husband’s name written in large black Sharpie across the top sheet.
The large stack of paperwork was obviously meant to intimidate me.  The only way this guy could have known who I was, or what I looked like, was to have taken the time to pull up my DMV picture before coming to court.  The CHP, isn’t much for subtlety, apparently.


I was not intimidated; I was secretly amused at this ploy to rattle me before we went before the Judge. I didn’t react.  Instead I kept my hands in my lap, on top of my comparably skimpy folder, containing the three sheets of paper.  I felt calm and composed.


We might have sat like this for 5 minutes or so while he moved around, noisily sighing and fidgeting, trying to get my attention and I continued to sit as still as possible and never acknowledged him in any way.
Finally he speaks to me:


“Well, You Probably figured out that I’m here representing the CHP.”


“Yeah, that file with My husband’s name written in huge letters, was a pretty good clue.”




His name was Mr. Frost, and he had a personality to match.  He was an Attorney from the CHP Legal Affairs office in Sacramento, sent by Staff Attorney, John McDonough to represent the CHP’s interests in court.  I hadn’t expected a Lawyer — in Small Claims Court, attorneys are discouraged and people typically represent themselves.  I also  hadn’t expected them to send someone from Sacramento.  I figured they would be represented by someone from the Satellite CHP office in Aptos, or maybe San Jose, at the farthest.


The first thought I actually had was that it was costing them more to try to have this vacated than it would have cost them to just pay me.  I tallied it up as a 330 mile round trip in a state-owned vehicle or a rental car;   Gas and at least one meal on the expense report; a minimum of 6 hours to pay Mr. Frost for his time, which I know had to be a lot more that they pay the Patrol Officers ( 73.00 / hour).


I was very surprised, because this seemed a foolish waste of money.  I certainly wouldn’t spend more money than it would cost me to just pay the original $482.00.  Hell, from my perspective, they really only were going to be out 65.00 for my expenses, because 417.00 of it was my original Tax Return.  Furthermore, even if they did nothing but pay me what they were ordered to, they had since intercepted another 195.00 from yet another tax return. Unless I took them back to court and won my 195.00 back, they were still going to be ahead $130.00, even if they had just paid me the original judgement.
I would be mad if someone was spending my money this foolishly… Oh Wait…. I’m a Tax Payer. THIS IS MY MONEYand yours too, if you pay taxes in California.  Our tax dollars at work for no good reason, that I can think of.


It obviously was NEVER about the money. They did not want to give me back my tax return and they were going to spend what ever it cost to keep them from having to do that.

This was about my challenging their authority. It was about them being above the law.  It was about them being entitled to an unfair advantage, every step of the way. It was about having all the power and having the Right to disregard my Rights.


They were mad and they were not going to let me get away with this, and it didn’t matter if it cost them more to keep me from winning than it cost them to be let me win. This was a power play, they wanted  to show me how little I knew, if I really thought I could beat the CHP in court.


Mr. Frost pulled something from his stack of papers and said:

I might as well give this to you now, the judge will make us discuss things before he hears the case anyway. So here….


and as he hands me the paper he says:

“this is why you are going to lose.”


I looked it over for a second and recognized it as the paper, that has the  legal statutes that they outrageously interpret as authorization for  CHP to collect DUI Accident Recovery Costs, without any DUI conviction.


I pulled a sheet of paper and handed it to him, and as I did I said :

And This is why you’re going to lose.”


He knew what it was within a few seconds.  And, I kid you not, the blood literally drained from his face. Then he practically ran out of the courtroom, tugging his cell phone out of his jacket pocket as he went.


He came back about 20 minutes later, while the Judge was explaining courtroom procedures and etiquette to the crowded room.  This time it was Mr. Frost who was staring straight ahead.


We were called right away., we  were sworn in and after promising to tell the truth,   I never said another word until we were out of the courtroom. Not a single word.

The conversation that took place was all between Mr. Frost and the Judge.
The Judge said:

Welcome Mr. Frost. You do realize this is Small Claims Court, Don’t You?
Yes, Your Honor
Then you know that we do things a little different here, then what you boys are used to. Did you realize that you only have 30 days to appeal a Small Claims Judgement?
Yes, your Honor, Ms. (my last name) made me aware of it just a few minutes ago.

I’ll admit, he sounded pretty defeated.


Then the Judge  (I do not remember his name, but I sure remember his face and is words) gave a little speech about the circumstances we found ourselves in.  I was appalled by it… I still am.

The Judge said:

I am really sorry about this…. I tried, I really did… I lost sleep over this last night…. I looked everywhere. I spent hours going through the cases, trying to find some way…. some precedence,  that would give some way…. any way at all…… that would allow me to do this for you. I want to grant your motion and Vacate the Judgement for you, but I just can’t , my hands are tied… I just don’t see any way I can do this for you.  I’d really like to help you out here, and it’s not for lack of trying on my part — Its just the law is clear on it. Small Claims is different. Please give your boss (John McDonough) my regards and tell him how sorry I am. I  wish I could have done this for him.”


Motion Denied/blockquote>

I paraphrased the Judges words, but its very close to what he said and it makes me sick. I had no idea. I thought Judges had to behave and act impartially. This Judge didn’t EVEN pretend to be impartial. He told a huge courtroom full of people that:

looking for a way to find in the CHP’s favor, had literally kept him up at night.

He hadn’t even heard the case.


Now it all becomes clear why the CHP was willing to use any grounds just to get back in front of a Judge… Maybe any Judge… or maybe they hand picked the court for this particular Judge. It doesn’t matter. (If they did it once they can do it again.)  What matters is this: The actual merits of the case are unimportant. The CHP was right, I should never have won my case.   They can mistreat you, take your money, falsify reports…. and they don’t have to face any consequences. Because those unfair laws on the books that allow them to do so many things that are clearly wrong, are upheld in court.


The most amazing thing, was this particular Judge wasn’t even concerned with propriety. He didn’t see any reason to hide the fact that he wasn’t impartial, or that the deck was stacked and the system rigged.  I call that ALARMING!!
IS THIS COMMON KNOWLEDGE?  Is this the way it works?  It sure isn’t what I learned in civics class, about how government is supposed to behave. It makes me sick, that this stuff goes on and they are so comfortable with it, that they don’t even try to hide it.

The MESSAGE WAS CLEAR:  The facts or merits of the case are not important.

The California Highway Patrol doesn’t just think they are above the law, they are above the law.


When we got to the lobby I asked Mr. Frost:

“So… NOW are you going to pay me?”


“Oh… haven’t you heard? The State of California’s broke… we don’t have any money.”


You have yourself a real nice drive back to Sacramento!


I have realized that you will want to know if and how I got paid.  They CHP pulled a couple more small stunts on us.  8 more months went by… and I am going to have to do one more short post to to finish the story. Sorry… I’m ready to be done with it too.


thank you  for reading

Categories: California Highway Patrol, Court Orders, Do the Right Thing, Dui Recovery Costs, GANGSTALKING, Humor, Office Of Legal Affairs, Small Claims Court, Tactics, Tactics, Warnings | Tags: , | 1 Comment

Part 7: CHP’s Absurd Motion to Vacate

Internal Affairs Investigates

I really didn’t expect my complaint with the CHP Internal Affairs Division to go anywhere, and it didn’t. As I said, it wasn’t organized or well thought out. I felt pushed  into making my initial complaint a Formal complaint. I  told Lieutenant Desmond that I didn’t need to make it formal,   I just wanted to collect on the Judgement.   He told me if I didn’t make  a Formal Complaint the investigation would be closed.  That would have put me back where I started, so I filled out the complaint form they sent me.
The complaint as written by Internal Affairs paraphrased my words saying that I had alleged Kelly Walker was evasive, and unprofessional during inquiries into my legal judgement. YA THINK? Just a tad more formal, than I had put it, but as they say “good enough for Government work“.
Kelly Walker was not important to me. She was merely a gate-keeper, who wasn’t quite up to the task.  It is quite possible to run interference for a boss and still come across as likeable and even helpful. See my post about the Deputy Chief at the Santa Cruz Police Department, if you want to see how its done.
Avoidance isn’t really a good tool for managing situations or people. When unable to avoid them, obvious lies are another bad choice. Yeah, I’d say she was unprofessional, allegedly!

The Unspoken Message

One odd thing I noticed was that the people in Legal Affairs and Risk Management, were noticeably hostile towards me, during many of my phone inquires. I really have a hard time understanding that. They were absolutely acting like I didn’t deserve a second of their time and like I was screwing over the Highway Patrol in general, and them personally. This seemed to be inexplicably personal to them — they were angry at me, and it showed.  This started before I contacted Internal Affairs for help.  From my point of view the hostility was misplaced and undeserved.  It’s creepy, when you think about it.
This narrow-minded way of thinking, seems central to the culture of the California Highway Patrol: They are above the law, and they resent anybody who tries to infringe on their entitlement.  How else can you explain losing a lawsuit and refusing to comply with a court order? They didn’t think I deserved to challenge their authority in court; They were angry at me for putting them in this position;  I had threatened their power and their Right to always be RIGHT.  They had no intention of rewarding or reinforcing me for this. 
There was an unspoken message conveyed through all this hostility.  I’m  fairly intuitive and my perception of the message still feels right to me, almost 5 years later.  The message was one of indignation:


That so many employees seem to buy into and uphold this warped perception, which is so removed from the intended role of the Highway Patrol, seems strangely,  indoctrinated to me. Maybe this unquestioning loyalty (regardless of morality) is unique to law enforcement agencies (i.e. the blue line).  I thought it was very weird.

Balance of Power

The California Highway Patrol behaves in a way that is both self-serving and arrogant.  As an Agency, they seem to be unable or unwilling to hide it. The scary thing is that when Government stops hiding illegal or immoral acts, it’s because they no longer have to. They’ve consolidated enough power to do as they wish and no one can stop them. The CHP is well insulated by California’s Justice System and the Legislature. They aren’t too concerned about acting outside the law. It is a rare occasion when they are held accountable for bad acts.
Our Federal Government is headed that way. They still act embarrassed when they get caught doing something illegal, but nothing changes.  It continues and we just get used to it. Our Government is turning into the monster the Constitution tried to protect us from.  The system that was meant to check and balance Government power, has been so diluted, its impotent.

The Federal Government is currently under-checked and dangerously out of balance. The Legislature has never been more ineffective. The Judicial system is neither blind nor impartial. The Security Agencies have run amok, using secrecy to shield illegal acts and no one seems able or willing to rein them in.  The violations that have been exposed are the tip of the iceberg.

The only thing that government seems to fear at all, is a free press.  Under the Obama administration there have been extraordinary measures to muzzle those that would report or expose immoral, illegal and self-serving government activity. The free internet, whistle blowers and reporters are in the cross-hairs. 

When  a voracious non native species, with no natural enemies, is introduced into an environment it either fundamentally changes or destroys that environment and is harmful to native inhabitants. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press are natural enemies to Government Abuse of Power.  If the government is successful in its efforts to limit those freedoms, they’ve essentially vanquished their last natural enemy.  It will be harmful  to the inhabitants. We can’t let that happen.

If censorship is successful, the Feds will be just like the CHP: Arrogant, Above the Law and so insulated they don’t even have to act embarrassed when corruption, or any other bad act is exposed.
If these CHP employees think its wrong for a Judge to order their employer (large organization, with big budget)  to return money they seized from an individual, they really ought to see how it feels to be the individual whose money was seized,  bypassing the Judge altogether.  I can tell you right now… that feels like a violation and is a much better reason to be upset.
To see these employees upset when their employer is court ordered to give the money back…. ? Cry me a river.   Boo Hoo!  They had no right to be angry with me. I did everything legally and by the book. They likewise had no right to make collecting on the judgement such a nightmare.
And the delaying, the stalling, the rudeness … it’s not over yet!

Internal Affairs Concludes the Investigation

Clearly Kelly Walker was only part (and not the most important part) of my Complaint to Internal Affairs. If you missed it, you can find it here.

The letter informing me of the outcome of the investigation said they didn’t find substantial evidence to support my allegations regarding Staff Services Manager, Kelly Walker……bla bla bla.  They never even addressed the part of the complaint that had to do with the Legal Affairs Department ducking a Court Order.  Unfortunately, I was getting used to that.

But in some respects the Internal Affairs Investigation was helpful. R. Jones, a Captain in the Office of Investigation assigned K. A. Hunter, Legal Affairs Commander and supervisor to Kelly Walker to look into the matter and resolve any issues. It was through Hunter that I was FINALLY given the name and number of Staff Attorney, John McDonough.

I left him a message near the end of June or early July (I think). When he called me back on a Friday afternoon, I really wasn’t expecting to like the man.  But he was funny and charming. He made me laugh.  (A talent he should share with Kelly Walker.)

If you are the Staff Attorney for the CHP and you have to explain why your client (who is duty bound to uphold the law) is breaking the law, a little charm sure can’t hurt.

Finally, I Get Some Answers

The big question:


We are looking to have the Judgement Vacated. We will be going back before the Judge on the matter.


On the Grounds we were never served.

Really? Because I paid the court $25.00 to serve you. And they gave me a receipt showing Proof of Service.

What address did you use?

Joe Farrell, Attorney General for State of California, at the AG’s Office in Sacramento.

See, you served the Attorney General. You didn’t serve the California Highway Patrol, so we didn’t ever receive it. You needed to serve us for it to be a valid service.

Well that’s funny because…. right on the State of California web site, in the section called “Small Claims Court Self Help” it says :

“IF YOU ARE SUING the California Highway Patrol,  serve them at the Office of the Attorney General. “

Then it gives the address. — The same address I had the court serve you at.

WHAT? Where is this Website…. ? Hold on let me get my legal assistant on that, and I’ll get back to you.

Motion to Vacate

The CHP Legal Affairs Department, and John McDonough, specifically, filed a Motion to Vacate the Judgement six months, TO THE DAY,  that the original judgement was filed. We were due back in court near the end of September 2010, where the Judge would hear the Motion.

The reason they gave? It was absurd.  I had a very hard time believing that such a legal maneuver could really exist or be taken seriously in a court of law.
The grounds they used to ask for the Judgement to be vacated were:  Mishap, Inadvertence,  Malfeasance, and failure to realize the importance of showing up for the hearing.

WHAT? I had no idea what that even meant, so I had to look into it

First of all, It is absurd to even suggest that the legal arm of the CHP doesn’t realize the importance of showing up in court to defend against a claim.  These people are lawyers.  Most small claims participants have no legal training at all.  When we get served, even without legal training, we know enough to realize that if we don’t go, and mount a defense, you are going to lose. It isn’t possible that this high powered legal team did not realize the importance of being served.  It is not grounds for the Judge to Vacate the original Judgement.

The combination of Mishap, Inadvertence, and Malfeasance is seldom used by an Attorney. It is the equivalent to an admission of incompetence and alludes to  deliberate wrongful action on the part of an Attorney in carrying out their duties.

This is like an Attorney, who is throwing himself on the mercy of court and pleading with the Judge: (Picture the back of a hand, pressed open to forehead with palm facing outward, blinking back big crocodile tears) Oh woe is me, Your Honor, I have made a mess of this. Please don’t allow my client to suffer for my mistakes.

As you can imagine , lawyer jokes aside… Attorneys aren’t scrambling all over themselves to fall on their own swords, calling attention to their incompetence in open court. Not that Lawyers aren’t known for altruistic behavior and self sacrifice for the benefit of their clients. John McDonough, must have been a rare lawyer indeed to make that kind of sacrifice for his poor misrepresented client, the little ‘ol CHP. In reality it was just a BS excuse to get back in front of the Judge.

Unlike most Lawyers who would never risk using this as grounds to vacate, Mr McDonough wasn’t running the risk of  being disciplined, sanctioned or disbarred by making this type of astounding admission for the record and open court.  He wasn’t even going to keep future business at bay, by telling the world he was a bad lawyer.  This was all just an excuse to put us back in front of the Judge.
Furthermore isn’t some incompetent Lawyer, poorly representing the CHP. He is on their Payroll. If he screwed up, they screwed up. He is part of the organization that is the CHP. He does not have a client who was poorly represented. He is the client. He works strictly for the CHP, representing only their interests in all legal matters. He is the Legal Face of the CHP.
The CHP has enough tax dollars to pick and choose among lawyers. They are embroiled in law suits all the time.  If our case fell through the cracks, it was because a Small Claims case meant NOTHING to them. It was insignificant. It only became significant when we won. The CHP doesn’t have to show up in court, because of the substantial hurdles a plaintiff has to get over before the court will hear their case.   It is as the Judge told my husband, when he found our paperwork in order:

“This Never Happens.”

And because nobody ever has the paperwork to prove they can legally sue, the Judge automatically dismisses the case, without any need for the CHP to be present. They don’t show up, because they don’t have to. The Judgement in our favor, was a huge surprise to them.  Apparently, with all their legal resources, they were ill-equipped to deal with Small Claims Court or a Judgement NOT in their favor.  And they were… FURIOUS.
I hope my readers are starting to get the picture of what we were up against here. If you think they have acted like bad losers and have been petty and childish so far…. I am NOT DONE.
The conclusion of this story will appear in the next post.  Things are not as they seem in California.   After I tell you what the CHP did next,  if you live in California, you’ll think they owe you some money now, too . Nobody should be spending our tax dollars this way…. If wasting our money isn’t a crime, it should be. It’s also amusing if you like your humor along the lines of WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? or Americas Dumbest Criminals, you’ll get a kick out of it.
The last post also exposes one more bad act, this one not done by the CHP.  It is , however so blatant and chilling, I think, that everything the CHP did to us, pales by comparison. The CHP, definitely doesn’t have an exclusive on behaving badly.

NOTE To Readers:
Throughout the eight posts that tell this story, I put the real names of the people who handled our case at the CHP. One of those people is almost certainly the person who submitted our name to a government watch list, knowing that it would lead to ongoing stalking, monitoring and constant harassment.  It started four years ago, and continues today.

We aren’t on this list because we are terrorists or a threat to anybody. Our crime was embarrassing the CHP and exercising our legal rights effectively. We threatened the ABOVE THE LAW status that the CHP takes for granted, and we are being punished for it, with no legal recourse.

That is the reason I write this blog,


One more thing:

I have never posted any videos of any kind. If you see a video that indicates it came from me or has anything to do with my blog Justifiably Disturbed, you can be certain that it I had nothing to do with it.  If the day comes for me to post videos, you will see them on this blog before you see them on YouTube.

Categories: California Highway Patrol, Censorship, Court Orders, Do the Right Thing, GANGSTALKING, Gangstalking Awareness, Internal Affairs, Office Of Legal Affairs, Police Department, Risk Management, Santa Cruz, Small Claims Court, Tactics | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

I poke the bear because he won’t let me go

You might have noticed I added a disclaimer to the previous post. I did this in deference to my husband, who despite thinking the CHP has nothing to do with gangstalking, is nevertheless uncomfortable with my publicly writing that I am sure they do.

Poke The Bear

Poke The Bear

I think on some guttural level most people feel (me included) a little leery of Poking the Bear Especially a bear that has the power and ability to bite back. So to reiterate: It is my opinion that the CHP set our gangstalking in motion. That very statement makes both my husband and I nervous. It’s obvious why Poking this particular Bear makes me apprehensive: I’ve been bitten. If my husband does not think the CHP has anything to do with gangstalking, exactly why is he wary of Poking the Bear?


dont poke the bear

Police get lots of bad press and I am small potatoes. If the California Highway Patrol  is an ethical agency, they aren’t going to be interested in this bloggers opinion.  In theory, I need not worry about  being bitten by legally exercising my right to express myself from an agency that upholds laws.  And yet… in my interactions with them, they have displayed a complete disregard for ethics and the law.  I’m not talking about one  bad apple.  I’m talking about the culture.  So, there is this apprehension….

Could it be that even among the most trusting of us, there is, at our core, a niggling apprehension and distrust of government and its enforcers. I do think most of us are aware enough, to be alarmed by the stripping away of the protections, put in place by the Founding Fathers.   Maybe the uneasiness is because we sense that those diminishing protections,  may be all that stands between us and the snapping jaws of Big Brother. Our liberty is a stake. Our way of life is at stake.

If you would also feel apprehensive, about exercising your legal right (by say…. for example, suing a government agency in small claims court, or writing about it in a blog), you aren’t as free as you think you are. You are feeling the thumb of repression. Government should be working for us… not working us over. Any apprehension at all.  should give you pause. And when you pause… think about what an important tool repression has been. historically to those in power. Not very pretty, is it?

Most people go through life trying to avoid trouble. I’ve always done that. We don’t want police, government or criminal interference in our lives. We just want to live as unfettered and unobstructed as possible. I was naïve in thinking that I could actually sue a powerful branch of law enforcement and emerge unscathed.   It never occurred to me that there might be consequences to seeking a legal remedy to recover money taken from me, money I disputed owing.  I thought the entire collection process was unfair, unconstitutional and would be illegal if done by any group or person, other than the State.  Winning a few battles, felt like victory at the time, but I had no idea I was fighting a war.  And that was before the gangstalking  started. Our nightmare with the CHP began in the summer of 2007. It wasn’t resolved legally until fall of 2010. Add 4 years of gangstalking to that. No, I am not winning this war.  I can’t even walk away from it.

Silly me, I had no idea that doing something perfectly legal would piss off the Highway Patrol as much as it did. I mean…. they are the California Highway Patrol– surely they piss off people daily… probably hourly. People choose their battles. Make ’em mad enough, or treat them bad enough and they just might sue you. The Highway Patrol must get sued all the time, or so I thought. I certainly never could imagine that they would take it personally–extremely personally.

Now… having been through it… I no longer think they get sued in small claims court– at least not very often, and  if they do, they must never lose. The system is rigged, absolutely rigged.  I had to go through it to realize it.  The judgment in our favor seemed to have taken them completely by surprise.

They were, with all their resources, completely unprepared for it. If anyone has ever won against them in small claims court before… I would be very surprised. I used to think an impartial judge made a decision based solely on the merits of a case. Now, I am fairly certain  CHP doesn’t even have to put in an appearance to win.  I think they are a slam dunk and everybody knows it, except opposing parties in law suits (like me)  From what I’ve seen,  our judicial system and law enforcement are one and the same.  Judges can’t be expected to be impartial when they have a horse in the race.

Keith Labella, an attorney and my one of my personal heroes,  has done a lot for gangstalking victims.  He is also no stranger to judges that won’t be swayed by the facts.    Here’s a summary of his recent lawsuit over FOIA request omissions by the FBI   :  There is a link to the  full text PDF from there, if you want to read it in its entirety.

I am no whistleblower. I am not an activist. I just want to live my life free from harassment. It doesn’t seem like a lot to ask. It’s called the “pursuit of happiness”. You may have heard of it. Well, for the past 4 years the “pursuit of happiness” as been denied us. Gangstalking is covert aggression. An agency, which is in place, strictly for the purpose of upholding the law, would never be able to justify retaliating against anybody that legally sued them in court. You wouldn’t expect them to retaliate at all. But if they did…. they would have to do it covertly.

I don’t believe in violence, but it is pretty obvious that harassment, bullying. mobbing and gangstalking can push people over the edge. I think there is a lot of evidence to support the theory that mass shootings are often preceded by it. Complaints are often lodged with someone in a position of authority about by the (soon to be) shooter, trying to get relief from the harassment.   Later the shooters are described fairly consistently, regardless of the victims,  or the real motives.  You’ve all  heard it before:  The shooter  is described (after the fact) as a loner, a disgruntled employee, anti social or not quite right in the head. I think one of the goals of gangstalking is absolutely to: push people over the edge. They keep the pressure on victims constantly, hoping frustration and rage at the injustice, will do just that.

Being placed on a list by some secret threat assessment committee, signals the start of total and unrelenting, harassment. The fact that being on the list in the first place is what caused a person to go off the rails, just wouldn’t work to further the gangstalking program or the huge expenditures it requires.. When people do blow their tops, it furthers the consensus (among those in the know) that these lists (and the ever tightening noose around the neck of free America) are necessary to find and neutralize potential threats. Cause and effect are obscured by arguments for even more lists, more vigilance and ever more intrusive ways of identifying threats, (thus widening the net) including labeling, identifying and protecting us from the mentally ill (conveniently diagnosed by expert opinion, rather than science). This (they claim) will keep us safe and free from tragedy by preventing crime before it happens. This not only distracts the public, it allows them to marginalize people for crimes they may commit in the future.  Ludicrous as it seems,  this is a well-funded hot research area right now.  I’ll try to give you more information about it some time.

My personal favorite, among methods used to obscure what causes  mass shootings is to break out the old, tired gun control debate– always good for diverting attention and shifting blame.  Nothing ever comes of it, of course, because in the current climate, guns are  useful.  It’s easy to blame guns, and it might not be in your best interest to blame government harassment and blacklisting.

Everybody knows you don’t need a gun for killing, Murder takes place every day,  in almost every country, without them. Guns just make killing more efficient. You can’t grab the attention of our rubber necking society without some substantial carnage. Guns are good for that. This explains why the argument never gets put to rest. It’s a distraction away from the real reason people go postal.

The truth is, nobody in power envisions or wants a future where the civilian majority can legally own a gun. It’s problematic. The day it becomes illegal for civilians to own guns will be the day we can’t get back up the slippery slope. . Until that day, there is still hope for a way of life that allows all people to have their basic needs met and live a life of hope and dignity.

I hate violence. I don’t think it has any place in a civilized society and this…., writing all this crap down and railing passionately on a public forum about societal ills is so not me. It is, instead, the me who has been pushed over the edge by four years of non stop harassment and stalking. The old me didn’t feel the need to stir things up. Even the new me wishes they would just give up, so I could too.

I think about Christopher Dorner and how he destroyed himself to make an impact. He paid the ultimate price. He had other avenues available to get his message out. He was blinded to the possibilities by frustration, indignation and rage at what had been done to him.  Violence is never the answer.  It could be he felt his days were numbered and he had to get the message out very quickly –or never.  A lot of gangstalking victims feel that way.  that their health is in decline from the stress of be harassed.  I’m currently healthy and I shouldn’t have any problem rolling out my message at a snails pace, if I want.  But I still feel an urgency to get the message out

I really think Christopher Dorner was a man out of time, and out of options.  After reading his manifesto, I think he was an intelligent man who didn’t think he would be alive to take the “slow and study wins the race approach”.  He spoke out against police brutality and he later goes on a killing rampage.  He was out of options.  No one should ever feel that way and backing people into a corner by gangstalking, mobbing and monitoring  until they lash out, doesn’t solve problems It creates them.  If you’ve been told gangstalking is a solution to a problem, don’t believe it…  you’ve been snowed.  You can’t break things to fix things.  When you break people, society doesn’t get better; It gets less open and more fearful.  Who among us doesn’t want society to get better?  Who benefits from gangstalking?  Don’t be part of it.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Categories: Do the Right Thing, GANGSTALKING, Gangstalking Awareness, Police Department, Predictive Policing, Tactics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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