Posts Tagged With: Shadow Government

Gangstalking: The Distraction of “Busy Work”


I know a lot of people do not believe that a large group of people would stalk someone. Do you think that before World War  Two, ANY Germans, Jews, Americans, or other Europeans would have believed that a large group of people (Educated people, Civilized People) would use their intelligence to mechanically plan, design and carry out mass exterminations of other human beings living among them? Killing the largest amount of people  in the most efficient way, was treated like a manufacturing problem, with solutions devised accordingly.  It boggles the mind…. the kinds of things that humans will overlook, participate in or promote. Don’t believe it? Check out this episode of What Would You Do? where seemingly average people shopping willingly become accomplishes to crimes from stealing a wallet,  to kidnapping a baby. The reason? A complete stranger with a fake badge approached them, telling a lie and asking for their help.  That’s all it took for almost everyone approached to become an accessory to criminal acts.  Are you the type to obey an authority figure… even when they ask you to break the law?

No truly evil conspiracy starts out in the open where everyone can see and weigh in on it. Hitler would have never come to power if he had announced his intentions early on. Hitlers rise to power was insidious. Gangstalking is Insidious. It is like a creepy, invasive, persistent evil that is palpable. It happens when something is pushing into your life and with it comes a sense of dread and trepidation about things to come. Insidious is described perfectly in an essay written by an Austrian woman about Hitler’s takeover of Austria. It is a perfect description of how quickly something evil and insidious can take hold right in front of people who either can’t see it or refuse to. You may read some things discrediting the essay, saying it is not factually accurate or politically motivated. There may be some truth to that, but by and large, it explains exactly how Hitler took Austria without firing a shot — which nobody disputes. It describes the effectiveness of Propaganda and Economic Crisis in gaining acceptance for otherwise unacceptable policy changes. Our own War on Terror is a perfect example of how change happens and the unacceptable becomes acceptable.

There is a new book out called Shadow Government. Read this interview with the author to get a feel for the way our Government is morphing into something the majority of its citizens neither want nor will ultimately recognize. The author expresses a real concern that if people do not pay attention and mobilize against it…. it may soon be too late. Distraction is one of many tools that effectively keeps a population in passive acceptance of government overreach.

Gangstalking is a great tool for distraction. It’s busy work for people who have been duped into thinking they are playing an important role.  They’ve been made to feel important, sworn to secrecy, given special perks or consideration and they have bought into it with a vengeance. Many of them really think they are secret agents working on behalf of a shadow government. They believe they are making an important difference. The illusion of being important is what keeps them busy. Busy is shopping in stores that have nothing they want to buy. Busy is waiting around for a victim to leave the house, finish shopping, finish anything… they can follow.  Busy is a coordinating a show of force with a headlight line up. (By the way… that is one of the things that makes targets laugh at gangstalkers ; it certainly looks like irrefutable evidence that they must be more than a couple beers short of a six-pack. )  For keeping people distracted from what’s important…. the gangstalking tool is an excellent choice. It also has the advantage of wreaking havoc on the lives of a  few, which in some cases is, no doubt, useful.   This might also explain random targets. You can’t keep Gangstalkers busy if they don’t have someone to stalk. Most victims of gangstalking have come to realize that the numbers tell the real story. This is more about the large population of gangstalkers than it is a about the relatively small number of targets.

Gang Stalking takes place in the shadows. People often ask who would waste their time gangstalking? A better question would be who would benefit by keeping people chasing their tails? Who benefits from distraction, especially distraction on a large scale?

Did any targets go as a Trojan Horse for Halloween?  It would have been a highly appropriate choice!

Trojan Horse

Categories: Credibility, GANGSTALKING, Gangstalking Awareness, Tactics, Warnings | Tags: , | 3 Comments

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