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Gangstalking Blog Readers Come from 89 Countries

I wanted to share a couple things with you that will encourage you to believe that those of us who are victims are getting the word out. We’ve had a little help from all the fake victims (ie. gangstalker disinfo agents)– who weren’t able  stop spouting nonsense long enough to notice when enough disinfo, became too much disinfo…. effectively pushing the previously unfamiliar term “Gang Stalking” into the mainstream English lexicon.  Even better,  you don’t have to have an intimate knowledge of what it is  to get the immediate understanding that it is  perpetrated by a group that stalks and harasses.

Gangstalking:  such an appropriate term for bullying, following and harassing someone by those who feel powerful only when they can bully with the support of other equally morally challenged pals.  Bullying is just so much more rewarding (and effective) when bullies band together. With other bullies praising your nasty behavior and frequent in-group back patting and fawning…. you might be able to forget that bullying is flat out WRONG!  How else can you explain so many people jumping at the opportunity to dish out hurtful behavior and be flat-out mean….  If you are a gangstalker, despite your new set of norms and your group’s twisted morals…. know this:  Mean people really do Suck!  Being the biggest bully on the block seems to be a truly coveted title in our neighborhood, judging by the sheer number of people aspiring to it.

The fourth anniversary of the Earthquake that hit Japan and sent damaging waves to the Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor,  was a sort of a milestone for me.  While waiting on the shore, watching for the predicted waves to arrive, I was followed by someone, who I felt  certain  was stalking me.  That same day, the picture taking of our house, our yard  and us, began in earnest.  Later that day my husband and I were followed on our walk by a group of three people.  Three people that I continued to see, wherever I was for several months to follow.  I would emerge from a store and one of them would be crouched down in front of my car taking a picture of it (or so it appeared).  They would move away as I got close enough to ask them about it.  I started this blog about 6 months after that.  A lot happened in those 6 months.  We tried a lot of things to get help and to get a handle on this suddenly bizzare shift in our day to day interactions with strangers. We have learned so much about organized harassment since then.  It’s ineviteble when it goes on around you every day for four years.

I still think making this a crime that is recognized, as such. by people who have never experienced it, is the key to stopping it.  Talking about it, writing about it and familiarizing people with is working.  Speaking articulately and credibly about gang stalking is key.  Remember:  Devils. Fallen Angels, Demons, Reptilians  Aliens, Chem Trails, Secret Implants, Occult, Witchcraft etc..  are  not going to get top billing in any legitimate blog or website discussing gangstalking.  I filter out comments that focus on hocus pocus.  (that unintended rhyme is quite amusing to me –I just like the way it sounds… but enough… lets not focus on hocus pocus!)

The good news is my blog stats, while modest, show a marked increase from 2012.  (I need to devote some time to learning how to get my blog found on the Internet by people who are looking for info on Gang Stalking– you have to go through a lot of search hits and pages, before I pop up).  But still, for a hard to find blog, like this one,  the interest in Gang Stalking is on the rise.  That means we are getting the word out…  We are making progress.  Here are the stats that prove it.

Total Views to Date (September, 7, 2015)   39,762 for That breaks down as 18,415 Visitors from 89 different countries I do realize that if I posted more frequently, some of my visitors would be repeat  visitors.  But, the numbers are encouraging to me.  We all know that a good portion of those visitors are, the criminals —  (sadly, this blog would not be possible had it not been for their tedious, relentless dedication to the art of bullying).  I do wonder if I had done a blog on something like, crafting…. managing just 34 posts in 4 years, would I have anyone reading it?

They probably wouldn’t hail from 89 countries, but the good news is this:

when you are being gangstalked…. you have a built in fan base for whatever obscure topic or random musings you might want to share with anyone willing to read your blog.  So, even if nobody was interested in my blog on crafting or what have you….  Some stalker would be reading it.  Just like some shopper with no interest in crafting, following me around Michael’s while I comb through beads, paper, yarn and paint.

I do know I need to blog more.  I have a lot to share.  We have learned a lot about the structure of the gangstalking program here in Santa Cruz and in more populated areas of California (gee, those are hard to come by.)  We see these people and are harassed by them every single day… multiple times in a single day.  We know quite a bit about them.  We can make educated guesses about many things that we have no direct knowledge of.  Exposure is key.  Nobody lives in a vacuum.  Being human is a lifelong learning experience.

Since every victim experiences different facets of the same harassment, tailored to fit the circumstances, we probably have insights that others would find useful, or might help them to make sense of their circumstances.    It seems less and less bizarre and more and more carefully planned as the years go by.  They say you can get used to anything…  too bad we have to.

Other people surely have tips on what has worked and what has backfired in dealing with stalkers.  My husband swears his Go Pro keeps stalkers at bay.  When he takes his helmet off, Go Pro stays on top and the helmet sits in the top basket of the shopping cart  (even if he only is planning to buy enough to fill a hand cart… the  Go Pro gets a better view in the push cart).  He says THEY STAY AWAY when they see the camera.

That tip might help someone…  share yours… and I promise to be a more active blogger!

Categories: GANGSTALKING, Gangstalking Awareness | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

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