My Husband Almost Lost His Leg To a Gangstalker

My husband came close to losing his leg to a gangstalker less than two months ago. It happened on Ocean Stree, in Santa Cruz on a bright sunny day. Although some Gangstalkers have reportedly run into their targets on purpose, this really was an accident. A foreseeable accident, but an accident just the same.

If you think this happened to my husband, because he is a target, you should know that it could easily (and often does) happen to anybody in the vicinity of gangstalkers, as they go about harassing their target by car. They drive like maniacs, taking whatever chances are necessary to keep their target in site and to create an environment of unrelenting harassment.

They cut off parking lots; they go the wrong direction on one way streets. They periodically exit a freeway from the fast lane, making an abrupt right angle turn, cutting across all lanes to scare their target and force them to brake suddenly. They’ve done this to me, going 60mph, and pity the innocent person who could have been behind me. (This tactic is going to be covered more thoroughly in future post.) It’s an intimidation move, meant to let you know they have been right in front of you for the last few miles.  Box maneuvers happen frequently, on  freeways using several vehicles to keep the target (and anybody who is unfortunate enough to be behind the group) , from speeding up or exiting the freeway.  They are dangerous. It might seem like they are playing a game, but the stakes could be your life or your leg.

Here’s my husbands leg, in pictures taken the day of the accident and over the following 2 weeks. I have no doubt that if my husband had lost his leg or been permanently crippled, the gangstalkers would have viewed it as a happy accident.  If an innocent bystander lost his leg it would probably be viewed as unfortunate, but just the cost of doing business.

I’m going to describe the accident in detail, because it is important for realizing how the Santa Cruz officer was taken in by the Gangstalkers.  Gangstalkers never work solo, when stalking their targets. They operate using the “safety in numbers” principal.  If one of them gets in trouble, the others spring into action to deflect any negative consequences. that might befall any member of the team.  In the case of police involvement or an auto accident, the job of the rest of the team is to act as witnesses, vouching for the member of their team who has earned unwanted attention.

The gangstalkers, posing as witnesses, can rightly be compared to an experienced team of   grifters, smoothly pulling off a complex con on a mark.   In my husbands accident,  the ultimate goal was to make sure the stalker who hit him, was not held responsible for the accident.  To achieve this goal the Gangstalkers had to work two separate marks:  the police officer who responded to the scene, and  ultimately wrote the erroneous police report; and several real witness, that were just feet away, at the moment of impact.

The Gangstalkers are able to pull this off, by using psychological tricks to create an alternate reality, which enables them to suck the unsuspecting into the lie. You’ll be able to see exactly how it works, when I describe the actual scene that began to unfold,  seconds after the accident.

I am not holding my husband blameless for the accident. He should have spoken up at the time.  He felt outnumbered, he wasn’t sure if his actions were entirely legal. and he may have been in shock. At the very least, he was shook up, in pain, and not thinking clearly.

I spoke with my insurance agent, who informed me there can be degrees of fault assigned to any accident. Insurance companies regularly use these findings when figuring how to proportion payout, in an accident, where the actions of both parties are considered a contributing factor. Even if my husbands actions were not strictly legal, I think you will have a hard time assigning the blame ratio at 100 to 0, in the Jeep driver’s favor, once you know what happened.

Here’s a look at the gangstalkers in action, at the scene of the accident, and the red flags that could have alerted the police officer, and the real witnesses , that things were not on the up and up:

Use my crude drawing to help you follow my narrative.

Motorcycle vs. Jeep

Motorcycle vs. Jeep

The day of the accident, my husband needed gas for the lawnmower. He left the house, tailed by gangstalkers, as is our reality these days. He filled up the tank on his motorcycle, intending to siphon it into the lawn mower, when he got home. The stalkers were expecting him to leave the gas station heading away from the house, like he usually does. But he surprised them, when they realized he was leaving in the opposite direction, back towards the house. This created a flurry of activity and made the gangstalker, who was driving a dark  Jeep, decide to try to make a green left hand turn light up ahead. We think he wanted to make a U-Turn, so he could stay on my husbands tail. (His motives are, admittedly pure speculation, but remember, we see these people in action every time we leave the house…so it is probably an accurate assessment.)

When my husband left the gas station, he wanted to take a left. To do so, he had to cross 2 lanes of traffic that were backed up waiting for the light to turn green. He did this by maneuvering his bike between the cars that were stopped. He emerged right at the spot where the empty left hand turn lane began. As he prepared to turn left into the Southbound traffic lane; he looked right to make sure it was safe to do so. At that moment, he was broadsided from the left. He didn’t see the car about to hit him, because there was no reason to expect a vehicle from that direction.

I just can’t seem to stop the sarcasm that peppers these next few paragraphs!

The driver of the jeep was standing still in the northbound traffic, back a few cars from where the left turn lane began, When he saw the left hand turn light. up ahead, turn green, he made a bold move. He swung his car out into the southbound lane, heading north (the wrong way) to try to reach the left turn lane and ultimately make the green left hand turn light before it turned red.  (This seems to me to be a longshot –particularly given that he was reportedly traveling at a mere a snails pace:  5mph.)

Even though the driver of the jeep admitted (to the responding officer) that he had

“punched it around traffic, to make the green light”

(essentially admitting to traveling the wrong direction on Ocean street), the police report found my husband at fault. This is solely because three other gangstalkers (they always work in teams) unanimously agreed that it would have been“impossible for the Jeep’s driver to have avoided colliding with the motorcyclist, who came out of nowhere.” (Unless maybe the gangstalker hadn’t entered the oncoming traffic lane in the first place–ya think?)

Furthermore, the witnesses reported (unanimously) that the driver of the car had only been traveling at a speed of 5mph. You know how IMPOSSIBLE (i.e. defying the laws of physics) it to can be to avoid a collision, at that high rate of speed.  Hell, according to witness testimony, a tortoise couldn’t have avoided the collision. The other things that would have been nearly impossible would have been for someone traveling at 5mph to have had any realistic expectation of  making the green light;  OR to have actually thought that the acceleration from zero to five mph could be adequately be described using the words:

“I punched it.…”

Within seconds of the collision, the three gangstalkers who acted as witnesses, were on the move, setting up the scene and establishing fault.  The three alternated yelling loudly.


The use of those words by all three witnesses, was not accidental.

By loudly announcing that they “saw everything”, verbally assuming the role  of witness to the accident, they displayed unmistakably (to animals, anyway) territorial behavior. Even though it might not be consciously interpreted us such, the subconscious mind is aware that this territory (in this case, the role of witness) has been claimed; it has been clearly staked out and would-be intruders are not welcome or needed. The unspoken message has been sent by the loudly spoken and carefully chosen words. Anyone challenging the claim is going to have a fight on their hands,

Even though there were several real witnesses that were closer to the impact, and without a birds eye view, nobody could have “seen everything,” the tactic worked.  It worked by diminishing the confidence of the real witnesses in their version of events.  It made them doubt what they had seen.  First of all, things happened fast. They had seen the car come out of nowhere and hit the motorcyclist, who was  looking right, and never saw the Jeep until it hit him.

Real witnesses only saw a small part of the accident (the impact) and they knew it. So who were they to challenge three witness who claimed to have seen everything? That’s a big red flag. The unanimous confidence of the stalkers as they stated the impossible:  “I Saw Everything“.   Furthermore, the discouraged witnesses would never hear the conflicting version of events told by the gangstalkers to the responding officer. They had been successfully discouraged from hanging around.

The only indication that might have had that the witness story was going to be different than theirs, was that the witnesses were essentially stacking the deck by yelling

I’ll be YOUR witness! , as they practically stepped over the bleeding motorcyclist down in the street to get the car drivers window. This was done to establish, in the minds of anyone in the vicinity, who did not witness the accident, who the real injured party was, here.. These three witness had patently ignored a bleeding man lying in the street, and rushed to the drivers side window, offering to act as his witness. They had done so, one, right after the other, effectively cementing the impression that the injured motorcyclist was of no consequence, and he had brought this on himself, therefore he was not deserving of any consideration or even a glance from the Gangstalker witnesses.

That’s the biggest red flag of all. All three witnesses never asked the man bleeding (heavily) on the ground lying next to his downed motorcycle, in the very middle of a busy street, if he was alright. They never asked if he needed help. The entire scenario appeared to play out without a single glance from the witnesses towards the motorcyclist. (except possibly to make sure they didn’t slip in his blood as they stepped over him, to rush to the uninjured drivers window.

They three witnesses and the uninjured driver had a pow-wow of sorts, whispering and gesturing, while waiting for the cops to arrive and  intermittently, raising their voices to proclaim   I saw everything, I’m your witness.

If any witness to an accident sees other witness claiming to have “SEEN EVERYTHING, who apparently can’t even see a badly injured man, in plain view, regardless of who caused the accident, something is definitely not right. WAKE UP! This was your first lesson in how to spot gangstalkers doing what they do.  Nothing about there actions was normal.  If you thought about it at the time it was happening, you would have spotted it.

I know I said I would cover the way gangstalkers played the Santa Cruz Police Officer, in this post, but this is enough for now. I’ll finish up the accident and discuss how training could have alerted the officer that the witnesses and the driver were working together to influence the outcome of the accident investigation.





Categories: GANGSTALKING, Gangstalking Awareness, Humor, Tactics, Warnings | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

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