Gangstalking Explained:Start Here

Not Crazy…. Justifiably Disturbed:
The Truth about Gang Stalking

I am a victim of a crime that most people have never heard of.  It is either so new, so obscure, or so hard to explain, that it may be years before it is widely recognized by mainstream law enforcement, and prosecuted for the serious crime that it is.

The crime is Gangstalking and if it wasn’t happening to me, you would have a very hard time convincing me that it could happen to anyone at all.   I now know that there are thousands of victims around the world.

Here in the U.S., Gang Stalking has been reported in all 50 states;  I suspect this is the tip of the iceberg. Many more cases go unreported, or when the police are called, a report may never be filed.  I’ve experienced both situations myself.

The failure to report the crime or have it generate a report is easier to understand if you know how Gang Stalking works.  It is an assault that is cumulative.  It is perpetrated by many people working together to harass someone continuously. It becomes an escalating pattern of psychological assaults and physical intimidation that is terrifying in it’s efficiency, and its ability to fly under the radar. The goal appears to be to completely destroy victims, ruining their lives, in what can easily be categorized as an elaborate game of cat and mouse.

The harassment is usually small non criminal acts that happen to most people on occasion, usually perpetrated by someone whose biggest crime is they are inconsiderate, or just plain rude. Here’s an example: As you leave the store, you are unable to back out of your parking space because a car is idling directly behind you, presumably waiting for a parking space up ahead. How long do you wait before you get annoyed? Chances are, even if your ice-cream is beginning to melt and run on the floor, you aren’t going to call the cops. Most people will eventually tire of waiting, and get out of the car to speak to the other driver and try to move things along.

The first time this happens to a Gang Stalking victim, it goes like this: You get out of your car and approach the driver, who is wearing oversized dark sunglasses, and a hoodie or a beanie, pulled down low. They don’t roll down their window, or acknowledge you in any way, except one: the driver, who never looks in your direction, has a big smirk on his face. You look around and realize he isn’t waiting for a space; there are plenty available. It dawns on you slowly: This is a deliberate act. This person, who you do not know, is deliberately blocking you in, for no apparent reason. The person finally moves on, when you pull out your cell phone to make a call. It is a very creepy feeling, one that is easily dismissed and forgotten, if it remains an isolated incident. But it doesn’t…. not if you’re being Gang Stalked..

If you are being Gang Stalked the same thing happens almost every time you leave your house, your work, the grocery store, etc. The cars change, the drivers change, but the circumstances are identical and it happens every day and sometimes many times in a single day. It is so inexplicable, so distressing and unnerving that it causes you to change your habits, to avoid putting yourself in that situation. You run fewer errands. You cruise parking lots trying to find a parking place where it will be difficult to block you in. You make sure you never leave your house without a cell phone, a camera, and a pad and paper for writing down license plate numbers. You start noticing the idling drivers who blocked you in, start showing up in the the stores you visit, the restaurants you eat at and in your rear view mirror at traffic lights.  It feels like the twilight zone.

When you bring a friend along, nobody blocks your car. If you call the police, the driver is long gone when they arrive and you feel like an idiot, because really …. What kind of person calls the police when someone temporarily blocks them in at a public parking lot. The police, understandably, don’t file a report, because it is such a trivial incident.

When you finally find yourself getting out of your car and angrily snapping a picture of a driver, who really is just waiting for another car to vacate a parking space, the Gang Stalkers have successfully sensitized you. “Sensitizing ” is just one of the sick psychological tactics that are part of the Gang Stalker’s bag of tricks.

“Sensitizing” is a psychological tactic that allows gangstalkers to harass you in a public setting, without bystanders becoming aware of it. There is no question that repetition is the key to sensitization. Almost everyone will filter out rude behavior exhibited by others, if it happens once. Few people can it write off as coincidence, if the same thing happens repeatedly. If someone slams into you with their cart at the grocery store, every time you shop, you are eventually going to start expecting it. Sensitizing isn’t complete until the victim is acutely aware that the hostile behavior is directed, intentional, and being carried out by a group, rather than an individual. Scary, huh?

It doesn’t end there, either. It isn’t long before one of the drivers who blocked your car, the day or the week before, accompanied by two previously unknown faces, use three shopping carts to hedge you in against the refrigerated door, at the back of the store, when you stop for a carton of milk. They only let you out when you practically shout “excuse me” for the third time, loudly enough to make other shoppers look at you oddly.

Some of these people are part of a large group that slides into a booth next to you a week later, when you are having lunch with a friend. They have a loud conversation where private events in your life are casually mentioned, often using the exact words you recently used in a phone call or email exchange made from the privacy of your own home.

Two days later, you look in your rear view mirror, while waiting for a light to turn green; guess who’s driving the car behind you ?. . .BINGO… It’s the woman who did most of the talking from the next booth at the restaurant. She seemed to particularly relish mimicking you , while she entertained the group with details of your private life. This type of gang stalker seems to enthusiastically enjoy tormenting victims. They treat it like a fun and entertaining sporting event.

Creepy enough for you? That’s your reality, if you join the ranks of what gangstalker’s refer to as a Targeted Individuals, or TIs.  Even more disturbing,  is the fact that all the above Harassment Skits (another gangstalking tactic) took place right out in public and nobody, except you, noticed anything out of the ordinary.

In the parking lot, drivers that got behind the car blocking your car, got impatient, went around and never gave it a second thought. Shoppers in the store who heard you shout “excuse me”, thought you were the rude one.  Other diners in the restaurant, including your dining companion, overheard the loud mimicking woman, but had no idea who she was mimicking, or that the personal information she was broadcasting, was yours.

There are several reasons so few people know about Gangstalking: Victims are often dismissed as crazy. The perpetrators are strangers, previously unknown to the victim, and therefore more difficult to identify. Among victims, 70% never learn why they were targeted. and cannot point to a logical motive.  Even when police want to help, it can be difficult to identify what the  crime is, and who to arrest.

The other thing I’ve noticed is how hard it is to explain this crime to people. When you read the methods used by gangstalkers to harass their victims, it is helpful to know that the stories told by victims worldwide are remarkably consistent . This would indicate that there is a playbook or methodology that perpetrators go by. What has happened to me may be something you have never heard of, but to other victims, my personal experiences are a nightmare they know all too well.

This is my attempt to explain Gang Stalking and get help from anyone who can put a stop to it. I am outnumbered, I feel powerless. I don’t care if you are the police, the FBI, a politician, a neighbor, a reporter ,or just someone who loves mysteries and wants to help solve one; I will take whatever help I can get.

In the beginning, when I first started noticing the same group of people every place I went, every time I left the house, I reacted just like any normal person would: I assumed I had to be mistaken. When I knew I wasn’t, I assumed it had to be a coincidence. When it happened so many times, it could not be a coincidence (by any stretch of the imagination), I went to the Internet to try to figure out what the hell was going on. Why on earth would complete strangers, follow me from place to place, store to store, harassing me with a host of annoying behaviors? Why indeed? Who would waste their time? Who would put this much effort into harassing someone they never met. It made absolutely no sense for any person to do this; and this wasn’t even ANY it was MANY. It was absolutely nuts. And yet… It was happening .

I trust myself. I know I have a firm grip on reality. I was not imagining this. It was real then and it’s real now; but I could not come up with a single logical or plausible reason to explain it. Not then and not now. Many people will be tempted, at this point, to use the lack of an understandable motive or reason, for a large group of people to stalk and harass me, as evidence that it isn’t really happening. I understand that. I too, think there is a reason for this crime. But not knowing why something happens, is not evidence that it is not, in fact, happening at all.

To be of any help solving the mystery of why it’s happening, requires that you accept the premiss, that it is happening. Victims are kept in the dark about motive. This is not incidental. It is another Gang Stalking tactic. As far as I can tell, it is very effective on at least two fronts, and possibly more. First it adds to the discomfort and terror the victim feels. It is very unsettling to be completely in the dark about the motives of strangers. These strangers are exhibiting focussed hostile behavior towards you, that requires the kind of effort, usually reserved for vendettas of a very personal nature. Not knowing a motive makes you fret over how far they will go. Why are they doing this?. What do they want? Will they hurt you ? Kill you? The uncertainty intensifies the stress and anxiety felt by the victim. It adds to the psychological terror created by the relentless intensity of the crime.

The second reason to keep victims in the dark, as to motive, is because it makes them less likely to be believed. When a victim describes the situation truthfully, they are saying that a large groups of people, they have never met before, are going to great lengths, exerting considerable time, effort and yes, money, to harass them incessantly, for no logical or discernible reason. It makes no sense, and it’s not supposed to make any sense. If a victim isn’t believed, no one is going to be looking for perpetrators. Law enforcement isn’t going to be putting any resources into solving a crime without first believing that there is a crime. It absolutely works to the advantage of the gangstalkers when victims are unable to point to a motive.

I want to say one more thing about motive. This crime takes place over a long period of time. It escalates so gradually that most of the victims can not say with absolute certainty when it started. The cumulative nature of small upsets, inconveniences, rudeness and hostility exhibited by strangers can be written off as coincidence & bad luck for months, if not years, depending on the victim. The timing of a victim’s realization that the harassment, is not only intentional, but coordinated and well-organized, and is probably determined by the gangstalkers themselves. Not being able to pinpoint the actual beginning of the harassment,  means that it is hard to tie it to a particular event in your life, that is the  motive for this crime. It could be something that happened years earlier, a dispute with an employer, a lawsuit, a letter to the editor or a casual observation or comment made to the wrong person–take your pick. I can’t think of anything, anyone could do that would justify the magnitude of a gangstalking style attack.

Lack of a solid motive isn’t the only barrier to giving this crime and it’s victims credibility. An analysis of the cost/benefit ratio of victimizing people in this way, makes even me, think this crime shouldn’t happen at all. It doesn’t appear feasible. It is structured, complicated, well planned, well-executed and it takes considerable resources:    people and time, for starters.

It also requires money. Research into Gang Stalking, facilitated by the accounts of victims, has provided a window, of sorts, into the organization and structure required to pull off a crime of this magnitude. The conclusions are startling, and likely to be viewed with skepticism. I know; I initially felt that way myself. Since then, I have experienced a level and attention to detail employed by the gangstalkers, that has led me to the same conclusions, I initially scoffed at.

There seems to be a consensus among victims on several key points, regarding what is required to carry out a gangstalking campaign. It is important to realize that real victims come to these conclusions reluctantly, and only after experiencing daily ongoing harassment for a fairly long time. These conclusions are reached ONLY when you realize the extreme, nonstop harassment couldn’t happen without them.  I’ve followed each of the 3 conclusions, by my initial reaction to it, because that is most likely to be your reaction, as well.

1. Conclusion: Some of the Gang Stalkers are being paid to stalk and harass.

My initial thoughts: yeah, right… who is gonna pay somebody money to follow me around? No way.

2. Conclusion: Victims are monitored 24/7.

My initial thoughts: That means people working in shifts. Shifts mean job assignments. Nobody works an assigned shift for free. Somebody paying to keep me under surveillance, even while I sleep? No flippin’ way.

3. Conclusion: Adjoining apartments or nearby houses are rented by gangstalkers, for the sole purpose of facilitating the surveillance and harassment of the victim.
My initial thoughts: Ludicrous! Nobody has that kind of money. NOT possible.

Unfortunately, as extreme and unlikely as the above conclusions used to seem to me, and no doubt, seem to you, I now know them to be correct. My own experience as a victim, has made it clear that these conclusions have to be correct. They are the only way some of the things that I’ve experienced can be explained.

Unlike victims of most crimes, which happen infrequently to the same person, victims of gang stalking are victimized repeatedly over a long period of time. This allows for a very intimate knowledge of the methods used to perpetrate it.

This also offers a huge upside. This crime offers opportunity after opportunity to an agency or person, willing and motivated  to solve it. Who are these people working for?  How do they decide to target somebody?  Why use this slow, seemingly costly method to destroy someone?

I have reason to believe that the local Hash House Harriers club is highly involved in my personal harassment. They are aided and abetted by other chapters . I don’t personally know any of them and the fact that I was able to identify them at all was a lucky break, one not likely to happen to other victims.

If the Hash House Harriers are behind gang stalking or if the local group has just been recruited to assist in my harassment is not clear to me. It is worth looking into by anyone investigating this crime.

The Hash House Harriers by outward appearances. appear to be a silly club, of unorganized buffoons and drunks. A deeper look, makes it apparent that the rituals, cult like participation and devotion of its members, and the fact that there are over 1700 chapters worldwide (in places as far-flung as Sierra Leon, Trinidad, Kuala Lumpur, etc.) mean there is much more than meets the eye to this organization.  I am convinced that they have a darker and much less frivolous side than the “drinking club with a running problem” face they show the world. Somehow the $5.00 the members pay for booze at each drinking/running venue, has afforded them the ability to commence building a worldwide headquarters for all members to visit and lodge at, in Kuala Lumpur. Individual chapters began To spring up everywhere in the 70’s. This, apparently after a quieter period following world war 1.  They appear to be growing steadily, worldwide.
One definition of a harrier is one who persistently harasses.  That is a  very odd coincidence for a group that has participated in an ongoing harassment campaign against me, personally.  If they are involved, it may be only certain clubs, (instead of all clubs).  It would  most likely be the core group that runs each club, called the “mismanagement” and other long term trusted members that are directing the rest of the membership.  Other victims should look into the Hash  groups in their areas to see if they can be identified as stalkers (there is a club not too far away from any populated place on the globe.)

If they are behind the Gangstalking, world wide, I have no doubt they will go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from exposure. I have never seen anything else written anywhere that points to their involvement. After 14 months of harassment, I have know several of my local tormenters are extremely involved in the club.   They routinely practice, what I call a “show of force”  where they try to show you how many of them there are, how much they hate you, and how powerful they are.  The goal is to display power and intimidate their target. The first time they pull this types of attacks, you are duly impressed by the numbers and amazed that so many people would deliberately torment somebody,much less a stranger.  These attacks, used to involve the local HHH (Hash House HARASSERS)  and their brethren from the nearby CULTS  chapters.  Now that we know who most of them are, they are much less overt in their harassment, but they still might be running the show.

If this has piqued your interest, I have written much more on the subject. Also, take note, since I began researching gangstalking, the Internet has been flooded with sites from FAKE VICTIMS and REAL VICTIMS, WHOSE WRITINGS HAVE BEEN HACKED. I can spot them easily. The best way to tell who is legit is to notice when someone who starts off sounding logical, suddenly lapses into rather insane, mentally Ill or incredulous claims part way through. I.e. Alien abduction theories, Reptilian DNA, etc.

Gang STALKERS have launched a huge disinformation campaign to make real victims sound insane, schizophrenic and unbelievable. This is another tactic. I go out of my way to sound credible in my writing– even when describing things that are difficult to believe.  I don’t want anyone to think I am crazy or lying. Gangstalkers want everybody to believe just that.  Look for the tone, in other writing you find on-line about gangstalking. The vocabulary and tone should be consistent and your gut should tell you if it has the “ring of truth” or not.

Santa Cruz


18 thoughts on “Gangstalking Explained:Start Here

  1. Unknown_1

    You are not alone.
    I’m from Southeast Asia and it ‘s frightening to realize group stalking method and tactics are the same.
    When I still lived in a rental house, these stalkers stuck a bug outside or inside (not sure how) our flat.Some stalkers even went ahead as to stick a camera inside or outside the bedroom (not sure how). All data gets published or posted in the internet. All gadgets; phone, laptop is hacked and available for public consumption. I get mobbed/harassed in the office, in public places, sadly even in our church, in the same manner described in this blog. So I quit my job and limit my activities outside the house . Everybody seems to think it is okay to spy on the privacy of other people.
    Now we have our own house and perimeter fence but seems bugging and spying devices still at work.Any activities of me and my family in public places gets posted/uploaded into social media. Everybody seems to recognize me wherever I go (even in the province) and think attention from complete strangers is acceptable.


  2. Net Logg

    mine is named producer lindsay show, might of known me in Seattle, Washington years ago, has made life a little less trusting for me, for more than three years now, and makes me sorry I ever lived in Seattle, Washington, because there are some really rude losers out there, and if I had a do over, I would not have lived out there! what got this troll set off onto me to begin with anyways?


  3. Several hacked my hard drive. One hit me with a (direct energy weapon?). One goes to my church. Another one lives down the road from me. Some threaten my life on line. I’ve been exposed to illnesses and falsley labled as “delusional”. They just keep comming but there will come a point, at least where there will be no astonishment and no surprise that they really do exist and that this really is intentional.


  4. Anonymous

    I too am a victim and until I tell my story how do I know that this site is legit? I trust NOBODY! How can a person meet face-to-face for support without that, too being a set-up?


  5. Anonymous

    Until I tell my story how do I know that this is legit? I trust NOBODY! how does one find another “authentic” victim who can meet face-to-face? I Am even so wary of THAT! I am emotionally, psychologically and physically alone!


  6. Jeff Weiss

    I just wanted to reiterate that this is one of the best blogs I’ve read which deals with the crime of gang stalking…. As I’ve stated I became aware in 2011 that this was happening to me and I’ve travelled up and down and back and forth across this Country trying to help others and to find safe shelter… One place where I’ve experienced sever harassment and never thought I would has been in AA. If anyone else experienced the same in that or other 12 step groups please contact me. Again, my name is Jeff Weiss my phone number is 914-906-0210


  7. Jeff Weiss

    Yes. This blog is right on and thank you for it as there is so much disinformation at there it can become exhausting finding a quality site like this…
    My name is Jeff Weiss I live in Westchester County, NY. My targeting became overt in 2011 by that I mean that’s when I became aware of it but I believe there had been a covert element going on for quite a while before that for likely for reasons of profiling etc…
    I’m close to being homeless and haven’t been able to work due mostly to the slander campaign which follows me everywhere… I’d like to talk to other TI’s who live in this area. My phone number is 914-906-0210. Email:
    Yours sincerely,
    Jeff Weiss


  8. Been there and done that since about 2001. Tha gangstalking made me so stressed that I got breast cancer. Now they are using electronic torture on me. I know who ordered it and I know the name of the person running the operation. But I have no proof for the police. I live in Sweden. I just sent a friend request to you. I live in two worlds. My family would think me crazy if I told them of all the horrors I have suffered for so many years. The time and money spent on me. Unbelievable but true. With kind regards/ Nalini Sliwinski


  9. ........

    There is plenty of coin to be made from coincidences. The perpetrator knows you and you know something or have something of worth to them and what would seem like an inexhaustable amount of money to do this. That might be true. It depends on the level of power they have. Gangstalking can be easily achieved on a small scale, any small collective of people can do it. On a bigger scale, when that person has connections to the media, that is much different. If you think the tv is talking to you, its isnt but the coincidences will start to play tricks on your mind. Bottomline is, you are being watched 24/7, but the methods can range from complex to relatively simple. And inexpensive. Slander is the cheapest. People who are in the dark about this can be easily fed rumours. If you honestly had done something that bad you would have gone to trial, so you ask why all the fuss and bother? If you were getting away with something, then why this? Surely the evidence would be ready and waiting to prosecute you? The problem could be that at some point in your life you might have realised you were being misled and you woke up to it. Generally this is someones investment in you, you have monetary worth and have been quietly led up the garden path. When it’s not about money then you are probably part of a control experiment which can be one and the same thing. The long term goal is that its and new order of control which is cheap and undetectable. The outside world can be either be heaven or hell dependant on if you stay in line or not. Basically an outside prison. Imagine the film, A Clockwork Orange except that Alex wasn’t a brutal rapist. Alex is programmed to see the horror of things in life and is then released only to fall into the handsof his victim. One of his gang becomes a policeman and refuses to help him. Quite an irony right? This can happen for many different senarios. Somewhere along the line, gangstalking is supposed to tie in with a deeper ideal similar to what happens in the film Minority Report except it is more to do with genetics, which is total bullcrap. No one is born bad. Everyone is a product of their environment and their reactions are a consequence. So why all this? At some point there will probably be a mass disaster, instead of war. Those who survive will be kept safe and out of the situation. When it is over this new system of control will operate undetected and untraceable. A prison with no walls and you won’t even know you were a slave. There really is no difference at the moment except the technology being use worldwide to collect data, leave us ignorant and then destroy. If you are thinking no way can this happen you are wrong. The only people powerful enough to have that kind of money, print it, legally! Maybe that is part of the answer. If you are alive, it means you are stronger than you think.


  10. RJ

    This is happening to me as well, for the last eight years. It’s intensifying now that I’m coming into a settlement and I’m tiotally isolated, here in n northen Ca.. Am considering relocation, and would apreciate any feedback from TI’s who could offer support.


  11. Anonymous

    Thank you for writing this. I was gangstalked by CSIS,RCMP and HR police heavily in 2013. I was a witness in a criminal case involving John Mark Tillmann. CSIS placed an undercover agent into my house acting as a ‘handyman’. I exposed CSIS and RCMP crimes and was quickly processed under the involuntary psychiatric treatment act and lost custody of my 2yo daughter. I have struggled to find an attorney because exposing the illegal acts of RCMP and CSIS also exposes the obstruction of justice from the criminal lawyers in this criminal case. I submitted my affidavit to Supreme Family Court (Justice Douglas Campbell) with copies of my complaint letter to SIRC (naming CSIS agents) and my formal complaint letters to the College of Physicians and Surgeons againts the Psychiatrists that participated in this crime. I have custody of my daughter with oversight from the Minister of Community Services.
    It is very troubling when Psychiatrists are willing to breach the fundamental rule of medical ethics- to cover for CSIS,RCMP illegal actions in Nova Scotia.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Fidelity

    I live in the UK. I have experienced this type of harassment for myself. My husband committed suicide last year during a bout of depression. Prior to that I had been ‘gang stalked’ for a number of years. It was the usual thing: slander, lies being spread, strangers ‘watching’ me or following me; shopkeepers unwilling to offer service etc….All this stopped eventually, but new ‘obstacles’ have now arisen. I have had problems getting my bins emptied by the local waste team. This sounds trivial but it has been causing me major inconvenience, especially as I do not currently own a car.
    It is difficult to say whether this problem is connected with the previous harassment, but they have certainly acted in a very suspicious way.
    My letters to the local authority about the bins have gone un-answered, my phone calls ignored.
    I don’t know what to make of it or who’s idea it was to harass me. I have never had cross words with anyone in my community.

    That said, I haven’t (to date) experienced the worst side of gang stalking – electronic interference,etc, but I certainly believe that is happening to some victims. Maybe I should count myself lucky, for now anyway.


  13. Anonymous

    I am community stalked and it is HELL
    would like to talk with others who are also living through this.


  14. Anonymous

    forget the doj ,and the fbi ,they are involved too.


  15. Stronger Than They Think

    Santa Cruz –

    I only had to read the first few paragraphs to know that what you are experiencing is gangstalking, not paranoia (which it can be with some individuals)–I’ve been a target since 1992. The gangstalking started approximately the time I held a corporate job, working for a cop’s wife). When you are a target, you are very aware when something has shifted in your life. You know what ordinary is…but what is happening to you is not ordinary. You begin to experience ever-increasing episodes of “bad luck” which you eventually understand is not bad luck but a systemic form of harassment. What I have concluded over the years, is that this malicious behavior has an ideological motive–at least at the top echelon (where it begins). The interesting thing is that you, I, and every U.S. taxpayer is funding this travesty because government resources are being used to seek out ordinary citizens and push them to the brink of despair. You represent something to these people, based on their private agenda. And one of the best ways of countering this evil is to make the covert explicit, which is what you are doing here with this website. People need to know that this is real and that it is going on daily, right under their noses. My suggestion to anyone who is silently suffering as a target, is to recommend websites like this.

    On a personal note, meditation, prayer, journaling, and good walks in nature can be very beneficial when things start closing in. Ultimately, you’re stronger than these people, or they wouldn’t need everyone and their neighbor chasing you in circles.


  16. KC

    great explanation of this insidious secret crime


  17. Renee`

    Hello, I’m a targeted individual as well. I learned about a year and a half. Your blog is true and real as to the same GS I experience 24/7. I would like to hear more from you. Take care, Renee`


  18. Anonymous

    My own family are the primary, suspects! Reachingstar0


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